Since the day we were founded, we have been the sought-after solution partner of our customers while implementing many projects by integrating our production infrastructure, which we have developed by making innovative and technological investments in the sector, with the quality of products and services that we constantly increase.

We aim for continuous development with an innovation culture in the markets we are in. By relying on our excitement, knowledge and competencies, we place R&D & P&D activities and our innovation culture at the basis of development and competitive strategies.

Kisbu Concept of Innovation is the whole of 3 parts: Lifelong Learning, Idea and Project Management, Customer and Supplier Collaboration Management. Our innovation culture is fed by our national and international cooperation and our project management, which we carry out with our 42 years of technical knowledge.

Medical Sector
Furniture and Home Textile
Structure and Insulation
Hygiene and Cosmetics
Bags and Promotion


As Kisbu Group, we place product and process control at the center of our processes in order to provide and maintain a standard product quality.

We provide standardization with our competent Production and Quality Control team, our machines that produce with high technology, our facilities managed with hygiene principles, our laboratories and equipment working with world-class methods as reference. We continue our studies and research in order to respond to customer and sector demands.

ISO 27001-2013
ISO 27001-2013
ISO/IEC 13485-2016
ISO 14001-2015